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An educational institution born from the heart of the legal profession.



ISDE is an educational institution born from the heart of the legal profession, as representatives of major national and international firms were involved in its founding, with the aim of creating an academic institution dedicated to providing the highest level of education.

In this way, by selecting talented individuals from universities and taking their education into their own hands, they could incorporate them into their teams with sufficient guarantees and automatically.

Thus, ISDE is an affiliated center of Complutense University of Madrid. Its students receive education at some of the most prestigious international universities, such as Georgetown University, NYU, University of Miami, and Jindal Global University, which rank among the top positions in international rankings.



  • In 2020, the DIGITALENT group was created, an educational project focused on excellence in education for the digital era, with the aim of accelerating employability, entrepreneurship and business transformation.
  • DIGITALENT is a global project based in Spain with presence in Latin America, the United States and some European countries. The president of DIGITALENT Group is Javier Rodríguez Zapatero, former CEO of Google Spain, Portugal and Middle East.
  • DIGITALENT offers high education programs such as masters, executive courses, degrees, training cycles, certifications, in-company training and startup acceleration.
  • ISDE joined the DIGITALENT group in 2021, which also includes other leading institutions such as ISDI (digital business school), CODERS (coding bootcamp), DIGITECH (digital FP and technology academy), IEBS (digital school), ESERP (business school), as well as the startup accelerator IMPACT.




The Research Centers constitute a form of collaboration with ISDE for carrying out activities related to teaching and research in the field of law.

They are born with the vocation of promoting alliances with companies and external institutions from various fields, favoring the development of their Corporate Social Responsibility and strengthening relations with the business and professional world through the various research and training initiatives that are developed within the ISDE Research Center.

Currently, ISDE has:

  • ISDE BlockChain & Law Research Center
  • ISDE Compliance Research Center
  • ISDE Sports Law Research Center
  • ISDE School Master Brain Research Center
  • ISDE – Santander Justice Chair Research Center

Santander Justice Chair

The Santander Justice Chair is established at ISDE. Its vocation is to be a voice in the legal current affairs in Spain and in a constantly changing world.

The Chair has launched various activities to deepen and reflect on central issues of the legal order that concentrate the debate, as well as other dissemination activities and even incentives for young jurists.



ISDE is born from the professional world, as representatives of the most prestigious firms decided to found an institution in order to select young people with the necessary potential to integrate into them and provide them with the appropriate training and preparation to do so successfully.

Large law firms, such as those in the London Magic and Silver Circle, American law firms, continental European firms, or major Asian powers, professional service firms like the Big Four, multinational corporations, institutions, and sports clubs contribute their know-how and their best professionals to design, direct, and deliver our various programs.

View all our partners and associated firms

ABA Consultores / Abdón Pedrajas & Moler / Adesse Abogados, S.L. / Adopta / AGM Abogados / Alcántara, Blay & Del Coso / CMS Albiñana & Suárez de Lezo / Alemany, Escalona & De Fuentes / Alfred Font Barrot & Federico de Valenciano Jaumà Almazor & Espuny Abogados / Alonso-Cuevillas, Abogados, S.L. Altalex. Asesores Legales y Tributarios / Arraut & Asociados / Asesoría Jurídica del Banco de Valencia / Asociación / Pro Derechos Humanos de España (APDHE) / Auditing Abogados y Economistas, S.L. / Auditing-BCM / Augé Grup / A&Z Law Firm / Azpitarte Nadal y Pizcueta, Abogados (Iberforo) / B.D.O., Audiberia, Estudio Jurídico y Tributario / Bailey & Marzano / Baker & / McKenzie / Banc Sabadell / Barroso, Jover y Martí / Bartolome & Briones / Benow  / Partners / Bridge Mediation San Diego / Blay Blanc, Abogados / Bodegas Torres / Bravo Abogados / Brosa, Abogados y Economistas / Broseta Abogados / Brugueras, / García-Bragado & Asociados / Bonfill Advocats / Bufete Alexander Pitts / Bufete / Amorós, Abogados Asociados / Bufete Arenas / Bufete Martínez Aynat / Bufete / Bonmatí / Bufete Carlos Pin, Abogados y Economistas / Bufete Casals Colldecarrera / Bufete Centro de Estudios Legales / Bufete Coca y Asociados / Bufete Conde – Escalza, / Abogados Asociados / Bufete Dexeus, Abogados Asociados / Bufete Díaz y Asociados / Bufete Estany / Bufete Francesc Abellanet / Bufete Hernández Gil / Bufete / Internacional / Bufete Jesús Blanco / Bufete Jordi Abel / Bufete Juan Enrique Pérez / Jamar / Bufete López Barrionuevo / Bufete Marroquín, Abogados Economistas / Bufete / Molina Cabrera / Bufete Molins & Silva / Bufete Ribalta, Abogados Asociados / Bufete / Sterling / Bufete Trepat & García / Bufete Usón / Bufete Vega Sala / Bufete Volta / C .L. & A / Canonica Valticos de Preux & Associés / Casas & Ferran, Abogado / Cefiser, S.L. / Chapin, Fleming, Mcnitt, Sea & Cartner / China Sports & Law Research Center / Clifford Chance / Club Internacional del Libro / Clyde & Co / Coelho Ribeiro & Associados / Congente, S.L. / Consejo Superior de Deportes / Cordier Law Offices / Córdoba Roda / Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo / Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira / DAC Beachcroft / Paul / Davies / De Dios – Lanau & Asociados / De Olivar & Selva & Zegrí, Abogados Asociados / Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited / Demolin & Brulard / Departamento Jurídico de / Damm, S.A. / Departamento Jurídico de El Corte Inglés / Departamento Jurídico de / FECSA-ENDESA / Departamento Jurídico de Catalunya Banc / Departamento Jurídico de / CaixaBank / Departamento Jurídico de la Fundación Privada Tutelar Aspanias / Departamento Jurídico de Nestlé España, S.A. / Departamento Jurídico de Nissan / Motor Ibérica / Departamento Jurídico de Pepsico, S.A. / Departamento Jurídico de / Sorea, AGBAR / De Pascual & Marzo Abogados / Despacho Ferrer de San Segundo, / Abogados y Asesores / Despacho Melchor de Las Heras / Díaz-Bastien Abogadosli / Diaz Reus / Diputación de Barcelona / DLA Piper / Domenech Mascaró, Abogados / Dr. / Frübeck Abogados / Dhutill / Ernst & Young / Ebame Abogados Asociados / EDM / Holding / Egea Abogados / Escudero & Sastre & Heredia / Estudio Jurídico Rodrigo de / Larrucea / Estudio Jurídico Ferrer – Monforte & Bonmatí / Estudio Jurídico Rodríguez / Mourullo / Estudio Jurídico Venegas Caruana / Euroforo Arasa de Miquel Abogados / Eversheds Lupicinio / Fàbregas i Oriola / Fenwick Elliot / Fes Gabinete Jurídico / Ferrovial / Figueroa, Yáñez & Huidobro / Finers Stephens Innocent / Font Abogados y / Economistas / Foro Legal, Asesores / Franco Caiado, Abogados / Freshfields Bruckhaus / Deringer / Fundación Lealtad / Gabinete Ros Petit / García Deville Palavicini Abogados / García Vidal, Abogados / GDP Abogados / Giebelmann & Salvoni / Gil Gibernau / Abogados Asociados / Giménez – Salinas / Gloor & Sieger Rechtsanwälte / Goldman / Antonetti & Córdova, LLC / Gómez-Escolar Abogados / González Franco / Goñi y Cajigas Abogados / Gomáriz, Rofés & Carballeda, Abogados Asociados / Gómez-Acebo & / Pombo / Gómez- Toledo Abogados Asociados / Grant Thornton / Guzmán Guía Calvo / Halliwells / Hammonds / Herbert Smith Freehills / Hernández Baquero, Abogados / Economistas / Herus Estudio Legal / Hispajuris A.I.E. / Hochelaw / Hogan Lovells / IBM- International Business Machines, S.A / IDLO / ISLAW Abogados / ING Lease España / Inter-American Bar Association / J. Carlos Pin Asesores / Jausàs / Javier Boig Reig, / Abogados / Jesús Casas Robla / Jesús Zarzalejos Nieto / JGBR Horwath / Jiménez / Astorga / Jiménez de Parga Abogados / Joaquim Hergueta, Abogados / Joli-Coeur / Lacasse Avocats / Jones Day / José Ramos, Abogados / Jufresa y Asociados, Abogados / Penalistas / KPMG Abogados / KSB Law / Laboratorios Lacer / Lahoz & De Ramon / Landwell / Lamy Lexel / Larrauri & López Ante / Legal Link, Derecho de las / Telecomunicaciones y Tecnología / Legálitas / Lener / Lex Consulting Abogados S.L / LG / Liga de Fútbol Profesional / Linares Abogados / Lindhs Advokatbyra / Linklaters / Llaneza y Asociados, Abogados / Lliset Abogados Asociados / Lobao-Subirats / Ludovissy & Associes / Lupicinio International Law Firm / Manuel Delgado, Abogados / Marco Legal Abogados y Economistas S.A. / Marianne C. Cordier / Marimón Abogados / Martell Abogados / Martínez Lage, Allendesalazar & Brokelmann (MLAB) / Marzars, Abogados / Mcv McConnell Valdés / Med Group / Miralbell Guerin, Abogados Economistas / MLA Associates / Monereo Meyer Marinel·lo Abogados / Montané / Martínez Conde, Advocats / Morgan & Morgan / Moseley Prichard Parrish Knight & Jones / Murrillo & Arroyo Abogados / Mutua Intercomarcal / Nogueira Abogados / Ogazón Rivera / Olleros Abogados / Oller Abogados / Ortín & Asociados / Osborne Clarke / Pannone & Partners / Pascual, Marzo y Vilaseca / Paulo Roberto Murray Advogados / Pérez-Llorca / Phillips Solicitors / Pintó Ruiz & Del Valle / Piqué Vidal y Abogados Asociados / Portabella- Fernández de Villavicencio Abogados Asociados / Pou de Avilés / Pou Viver / Pritchard Englefield / Proasa Sevilla, S.A. / Rafael Blanes Albiñana y Cía / Rafael Montes, Abogados / Rakisons Solicitors / Ramón y Cajal Abogados / RBBM Advogados Sports & Entertainment / RCD Espanyol / Registros de la Propiedad / Registros Mercantiles / Riba, Abogados / Riba Vidal Abogados S.L. / Rivera, Bolivar y Castañedas / Rivero & Gustafson Abogados / Roca Junyen / Rödl & Partner / Rosselló & Musolas / Rousaud, Costas, Duran / RSM Spain / Ruiz-Huerta & Crespo Abogados / Russin, Vecchi & Heredia Bonetti / Sainz de Buruaga / Sainz de Baranda / Salans / Salvatierra Abogados y Fiscalistas / Sánchez del Águila Ballabriga / Santamaría & Pera / Santiago Mediano Abogados / Sastre Papiol, Abogados / Schiller Abogados / Schwarz Kurtze Schniewind Kelwing Wicke / Sierra, Rouanet y Corral, Asesores S.L. / Silva, Riba & de Lachica, Abogados / Socoró, Autó & Nadal / Soler Marco & Asociados / Spreafico Marsaglia / Sprim Box España / Studio Legale Biamonti / Studio Legale Rubino Sammartano / Studio Legale Sica / Tamborero del Pino / Tebas & Coiduras / Tondreau et Associés / Torralba y Asociados / Tribugest / Uría & Menéndez / Ventura Garcés & López-Ibor Abogados / Vialegis / Vilaseca, Abogados / Vives Rodríguez de Hinojosa / V2C Abogados / Yúfera Abogados / Zarraluqui Abogados


We have academic partners both at the national and international level with the aim of providing our students with a real, up-to-date, and global learning experience.


ISDE has professionals with recognized experience in legal research and teaching. Most of them are PhD holders in law and practicing lawyers in prominent law firms and companies, which attests to their research capacity, professional background, and practical understanding of the legal profession.

ISDE Environment

At ISDE, you have our full support to address your academic, residential, sports, or bureaucratic needs. We work on an individualized basis to ensure that you feel attended to in everything you require.


At ISDE, we understand the importance of finding comfortable and suitable accommodation for our students. For this reason, we have established partnerships with specialized institutions that offer a wide range of accommodation services. We are here to advise you and facilitate the search process, offering you options that include apartments available exclusively for ISDE students, homestays with local families for international students interested in immersing themselves in Spanish culture, and shared apartments that foster an environment of living and learning. It is important to note that while we provide this assistance in finding accommodation, the costs associated with the stay are the responsibility of the student. Our goal is to ensure that each student finds a place that suits their needs and preferences, thus facilitating a comprehensive and enriching educational experience

Social events and activities

At ISDE, you are the protagonist. We kick off the academic year with an inauguration ceremony and throughout the year, we organize teaching breakfasts, social activities, and celebrate Christmas. Lastly, the year concludes with the graduation ceremony, attended by legal professionals, authorities, professors, tutors, and family members of the students.

ISDE Forum

ISDE FORUM is an intellectual and reflective space, with a predominantly practical approach, that addresses all matters and issues that directly or indirectly impact the interests of companies, Public Administrations, political parties, institutions, and other stakeholders.


If you are a citizen of the European Union, you can obtain the European Health Insurance Card. Alternatively, you can also choose to take out private health insurance.

Access to the database

As an ISDE student, you will have access to the “Real Cases” database from Difusión Jurídica. The platform will help you understand real cases throughout the entire judicial process, from filing the lawsuit to the final judgment.

Student procedures and visa

If you are a student from a non-EU country or a signatory of the European Economic Area Agreement, you must visit the embassy of your country to process your study visa.

If you need assistance with any of these procedures, we can provide it to you.

Alumni Club

The Alumni Club allows for maintaining the relationship among former students from different ISDE graduating classes, which is crucial both on a personal and professional level.

To become a member, please visit our Alumni section and learn about all the benefits.

Job board

To facilitate the integration of students and alumni into the job market, we offer a free job board service, in collaboration with multiple renowned companies and law firms.

Over the years, this service has enabled students to quickly integrate into the professional world and has allowed companies and law firms to select highly trained professionals.

Employment Board CAAI (Career and Alumni Assistance Initiative)