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Law Degree + Specialist in International Business Administration + Digital MBA Master


MADRID / On-site


“Start date: September


Degree in Law: Spanish
Master: 100% English
Specialty: Spanish / English


Guaranteed internships, mandatory from the first year


4 years (degree + master’s + specialist simultaneously)


240 ECTS Degree + 450 hours master + 120 hours specialist


Why should you choose the Law Degree at ISDE?


1. The main objective of the official Law Degree studies at ISDE is to train you as a comprehensive lawyer capable of reaching the highest positions of responsibility.

2. ISDE offers you an elite faculty and an exclusive study methodology, consisting of combining theoretical learning with analysis, legal argumentation, and practical examples.

3. Practical training is part of our DNA. That’s why internships from the first year are mandatory, distributing them in the legal and financial areas.

4.ISDE has created the figure of the mentor, so you will have a professional professor who will guide you throughout your studies, giving you absolutely personalized follow-up. In this way, in addition to optimizing your academic performance, it will help you successfully define and channel your professional future.

5.At ISDE, a learning culture based on the individual is fostered. We place the student at the center of our concerns, and we work on their personal and professional development.

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Why study the Digital MBA Master’s simultaneously with the Law Degree?


Because the Law Degree + DMBA, resulting from ISDE’s incorporation into the Magnum and ISDI project to expand the Digital Talent educational group, aims for its consolidation as a global education leader in the digital era. It combines a transformative offer that provides corporate legal training within a digital environment capable of facing and satisfying the most demanding challenges set by global markets, providing an official European degree (Law Degree) + Digital MBA Master’s + an International Business Administration Specialist.

3 titles that provide the student with the necessary tools to be able to expand their professional field of action within the digital world. Once again, ISDE is a pioneer in adapting university education to the business world.

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Javier Rodriguez Zapatero, CEO of Digital Talent:

This new academic proposal, Degree in Law by ISDE and Digital Master in Business Administration by ISDI, combines the best practical legal training with all the knowledge of business in the digital environment. 

Juan José Sánchez Puig, CEO of ISDE:

The immediate effects of the transcendent integration of ISDE and ISDI in the Digital Talent Group are materialized in the presentation of a joint program in Undergraduate studies; which combine a resounding and transformative offer of corporate legal training in a universal digital environment, capable of meeting and satisfying the highest challenges posed by global markets

Internships from the first year

ISDE, pioneers in adapting university education to business.


“You will complete internships in the best financial institutions and law firms in Spain that will provide you with tools and professional skills beyond just academics. In total, more than 1,000 hours of internships during the program’s duration. This figure positions this exclusive triple program of ISDE as unique in the European educational offer.


We are pioneers in the participation of the most prestigious national and international firms in the development of the program’s content. ISDE is the only institution where the firms are an active part. Our students are trained in the knowledge that these firms really need through their professionals, who tell them exactly what they should know to be hired by them.

They work from the method of customer demand, so our students are trained to solve professional conflicts with real cases in real companies. The teachers are collaborating partners, many of them shareholders and board members, who treat students as if they were their employees and select them to be part of their teams.

The Digital MBA will enhance your curriculum by providing you with the skills that companies demand in areas such as strategy, technology, innovation, marketing, or data analysis. And it will help you understand key concepts for your future such as Blockchain, Metaverse, Sustainability, or Machine Learning.

A new era requires new methodologies. At ISDI, we believe that you can only acquire new knowledge if you put it into practice, and therefore, the program goes beyond theoretical classes and includes:

-Transformation of a real company

-Launching your own digital business: eCommerce

-Specialization in Martech, Technology, or Data.

The definitive resources that will open the doors to the current job market. 97% of students are working within 6 months of starting the program.

You will learn from the best with over 100 active experts, leaders in their respective areas.

Academic program

Derecho constitucional: Constitución y fuentes del ordenamiento jurídico. Justicia constitucional 6
Derecho romano 6
Habilidades básicas para el jurista 3
Introducción a la economía 6
Derecho civil: derecho de la persona y de las relaciones familiares 6
Derecho constitucional: Organización constitucional y territorial del Estado 6
Filosofía del derecho 6
Fundamentos del derecho moderno y contemporáneo 6
Fundamentos de derecho penal y consecuencias jurídicas del  delito 6
El entorno competitivo actual Digital Business Framework (amongst others)
Fundamentos de dirección internacional de organizaciones People Analytics
International Business Organizations Digital Operations
International Marketing Customer Centricity
International operations strategy and management Entrepreneurship
International Finance Intellectual Property Law in the Digital World
Finance in the Digital Era
Derecho civil: Teoría general de la obligación y del contrato 6
Derecho constitucional: Derechos fundamentales y su protección 6
Derecho internacional público 6
Derecho presupuestario español y de la unión europea 3
Historia e instituciones de la unión europea 3
Teoría jurídica del delito 6
Derecho administrativo: La actividad de la administración 6
Derecho civil: Contratos y responsabilidad civil 6
Derecho penal: Parte especial 6
Derecho procesal: Parte general 6
Derecho de la Unión Europea 6
International Human Resources Digital Technology Foundations (amongst others)
International Finance 2 Digital Technology
International Strategy 1 Machine Learning and AI
International Organization Design Cybersecurity
International Strategy 2 Interaction Technologies
International Relations Digital Business Execution I (amongst others)
Go to Market Strategy
Branded Content
Derecho administrativo: La actividad de la administracción 6
Derecho civil: Derechos reales 6
Derecho mercantil: Empresa, valores y contratación 6
Derecho procesal: El proceso civil 6
Instituciones de derecho tributario 6
Derecho administrativo: Medios, responsabilidades y control 6
Derecho mercantil: Sociedades 6
Derecho procesal: El proceso penal 6
Derecho del trabajo: Instituciones y relaciones colectivas del trabajo 6
Sistema tributario español 6
Aspectos legales relacionados con negocio digital Digital Business Execution II
Privacidad y retos legales de la tecnología y uso de datos Specialization Projects
Nuevos modelos de negocio y marco legal- Economía colaborativa
Retos legales de la robótica, IA y Big Data
Fintech y regulación
Innovacion: habilidades y procesos
Fase de investigación cualitativa y trabajo de campo
Fase de análisis
Taller de ideación y conceptualización
Blueprint y diseño de hipótesis
Lean: diseño de experimentos, métricas y validación
Google sprint design
Derecho civil: Economía del matrimonio y Sucesiones 6
Derecho internacional privado: Fundamentos y patrimonio 6
Derecho mercantil: Mercados financieros y concursal 6
Derecho del trabajo: Contrato de trabajo y procesal laboral 6
1 optativa a escoger, según área, entre las ofertadas para el primer semestre
Contabilidad para juristas 3
Derecho internacional privado de personas y familia 3
Trabajo fin de grado 6
3 optativas: a escoger, según área, entre las ofertadas para el segundo semestre
Derecho de las nuevas tecnologías 6
Derecho y religiones 6
Reestructuraciones empresariales 6
Tutela del crédito y procesos especiales 6
Prácticas externas 6
Bienes públicos, urbanismo y medio ambiente 6
Derechos humanos y justicia 6
Derecho de la inmigración 6
Derecho inmobiliario registral 6
Derecho penal económico y de la empresa 6
Derecho de la seguridad social 6
Fiscalidad de la empresa 6
Fiscalidad internacional 6
Fundamentos romanísticos del derecho privado europeo 6
Gobernanza económica internacional 6
Instituciones y organizaciones internacionales 6
Legal english 6
Relaciones familiares y pluralismo jurídico 6
Servicios públicos y sectores regulados 6 6
Sistemas jurídicos contemporáneos comparados 6
Agile Methodologies & Innovation
ISDI Challenge Backbone project
Leadership in the Digital Era

*Contents are subject to change as part of the continuous improvement process that ISDE and ISDI periodically carry out in all its programs.

Stays Academic

ISDE maintains in the US a series of agreements with prestigious universities that, together with ISDE’s academic team, design the corresponding programs tailored to the international and profound training that the institution makes available to students. The content of these programs is always defined by two main approaches: internationality and excellence. Current topics are approached from a broad perspective and with a participatory system that encourages students to form their own opinions and to evaluate the international legal financial environment that will surround them when they finish their studies and start their professional career.


Prof. Dr. D. José María Aguilar González
Prof. Dr. D. José Antonio Soler
Prof. Dª. Mª del Carmen López Herranz
Prof. D. Alfonso García-Vadecasas Cañedo
Prof. Dr. D. Carlos Nieto Sánchez
Prof. Dr. D. Emilio Ramírez Mato
Profa. Dª. María Xiol Bardají
Prof. Dr. D. Rafael Martín Rivera
Prof. D. Antonio Dorado Sánchez
Prof. Dr. D. Miguel Bustos Rubio
Prof. Dr. D. Raúl Antonio Corbacho Cambero
Prof. Dr. D. David Mallo Montoto
Prof. D. Alejandro Zubimendi Cavia
Profa. Dra. Dª. Paloma García-Luben Barthe
Prof. D. Jorge Rodríguez Rodríguez
Prof. D. Luis Miguel Pérez Aguilera
Prof. Dr. D. Fernando García-Mon Quirós
Prof. Dr. D.  Luis Cazorla González-Serrano
Prof. Dr. D. Antonio Tapia Frade
Prof. D. Alejandro Zubimendi Cavia
Profa. Dra. Dª. Carmen Ladrón Guevara
Prof. Dr. D. Rafael Martín Rivera
Prof. D. Luis Miguel Pérez Aguilera
Profa. Dª María Rius Peña
Profa. Dª Ana Campos Rodríguez de Tembleque
Profa. Dra. Dª María José Lunas Díaz
Prof. Dr. D. Antonio Tapia Frade
Prof. Dr. D. Miguel Bustos Rubio
Profa. Dra. Dª Carmen Ladrón Guevara
Profa. Dra. Dª Rut González Hernández
Prof. Dr. D. Miguel María García Caba
Profa. Dra. Dª Adriana Lozada Hernández
Prof. Dr. D. Miguel Ortego Ruiz
Prof. D. Iván Ruiz de Alegría Carrero
Profa. Dª Rosa M. Gual Tomàs
Profa. Dª Elvira García Piñeiro
Profesores del Máster Cargo/Posición
Irene Vilà Trepat Academic Director at ISDI, DIRECTORA DEL MASTER
LAURA FRANCO Directora Bank of America
LUIS TOLMOS CEO de Registrasoft
INMACULADA HERRANZ Abogada de Cuatrecasas
JAVIER RAMOS Socio de Boston Asesores SL
Sandra de Soto Innovation & Digital Transformation at Accenture Interactive
Phil Sang G. Yim Associate Strategy Director en frog
Christina Stathopoulos Data Expert, Founder @Dare to Data
Bogdan Stirbu CEO Bit2Me Capital at Bit2Me
Aida Rodríguez Accenture Iberia Non-Financial Risk & Sustainable
Sebastian Slelatt Director General Global Ojo de Halcón (Vigilancia Remota) en Prosegur Alarmas
Cristina Carranza Account Director Spain at Twitch
Balvinder Singh Powar Co-Founder de Unfold Work
Bella Bardswell Co-Founder de Stellafai
Craig Crawford IT Strategist & ex VP IT Strategy en Burberry
Marta Salas Head of IA department en
Paul Iliffe Director of Product at Ironhack
Rita Madariaga Assoc Director en Accenture Song
Dan Ciocoiu-Muntiu Managing Director en Accenture Song
Selva Komari PMO & Senior Digital Project Manager en Nuvix Consulting
Mark Ralphs Strategy & Planning Director en Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness UK
Itziar Toledo Tech Advisor en NTT Data
Guillermo Zamorano Business Solutions Manager en Indicia Worldwide
Sergio Graziano Executive Board Member at Willpower Consultation

*Los profesores están sujetos a cambios como parte del proceso de mejora continuo que ISDE e ISDI realizan periódicamente en todos sus programas.


The DMBA is taught by renowned professors. Each year, the DMBA faculty invites the most prominent professionals in the digital sector to participate in the program. They know the rules of a global digital world and they know how to challenge them. With them you will learn processes, leadership methods, application of technology to transform the business and everything necessary to develop a successful transformation future-proof.


Here is the English translation:

70% of job offers are seeking junior profiles specialized in digital, and these jobs have salaries up to 13 times higher than the average for young people. That’s why the Digital MBA from ISDI makes you employable:

-97% of our students find work within the first 6 months of starting the master’s program.

-Within less than 4 years, 20% become managers or directors in their top companies thanks to our team of Career Advisors.

This is made possible by the inclusion of the Career Services team during the program. They will accompany and advise you during and after the program, with personalized attention and exclusive events designed to help you get the job you want:

-Employer Branding Day: An event for you to meet the companies. They will talk about the areas where digital tech knowledge is most needed, and where they are looking for professionals like you.

-Scouting Day: Your time has come! You will present your candidacy to the companies through an Elevator Pitch, what would you contribute in case they count on you thanks to what you learned during the Digital MBA?

-Speed Interviewing Day: Companies and students get to know each other through a speed-dating style rotation system. Will magic happen? If there’s a match, they may offer you a job.

Some companies where our former students work:


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In addition, at ISDI we help launch and monitor startups with our incubator and accelerator to ensure they become successful companies in verticals such as edtech, robotics, or sustainability.


ISDE offers the possibility of financing your undergraduate studies thanks to the agreement signed with Bankinter.

Check all the conditions from this link.


From the moment you start this program, you become part of the ISDE and ISDI communities. These are meeting places for students, industry leaders, lawyers, and professors. Access exclusive services for training, professional development, and networking. A passport to the ecosystem without an expiration date and at no cost.

– Always up-to-date with legal and digital news. You will have access to events, all content updates and classes from the specialization program, and the ISDIgitalnow News Blog.

– With access to the largest digital job bank in Spain, 1-to-1 Career Advisor sessions, and Mentoring with other professionals who have taken your program.

– Connect and benefit from an unprecedented and constantly growing digital Networking Network.