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The Council of the Illustrious Bar Associations of Catalonia has participated in the European project “LAWYERS INITIAL TRAINING ON EU LAW”

28 May, 2024

The Council of the Illustrious Bar Associations of Catalonia has participated as a partner in the European project “LAWYERS INITIAL TRAINING ON EU LAW” (LITEL). This project, in collaboration with the Training School of the Paris Bar Association, the Bar Association of the Czech Republic, and the Bar Association of Ireland, aims to share best practices and design training modules to enhance the training on EU law for future lawyers.

As part of this project, a workshop on the application of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights was organized on May 13th and 14th at the Paris Bar Association School (EFB). We are proud to announce that out of the 5 students selected from all universities in Catalonia to participate in this workshop, 2 are students of the Course for Access to the Practice of Law and Solicitors at ISDE Barcelona: Núria Petit Sierra and Martina González Poch.

This unique opportunity has allowed our students not only to enhance their legal education in the international arena but also to establish a solid network of contacts with peers from other EU countries. Such experiences enrich their learning and prepare our future lawyers for the global challenges of law.