ISDE and LA LIGA together on the road to the ISDE Sports Convention 2024, present the third round table, which will focus on “The perspectives of sports in the future: Entertainment and technology”.
We will have excellent professionals such as Helena Suarez Jaqueti, Partner at ECIJA, who will be the moderator, and top-level speakers:
· Javier Tebas Medrano, President at LALIGA.
· Ander Pérez Fernández-Sayar, Sponsorships at Telefónica.
· Jorge Schnura Becerro, Co-Founder & CEO at Turing Capital.
· Gil Manuel Perea Crespillo , Lawyer at BROSETA.
· Cristina Villasante Chamorro, Partner at ECIJA.
We would like to thank Telefónica once again for sponsoring this round table and for their support of the ISDE Sports Convention.