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The students of the Access to the Practice of Law and Procuratorship Course at ISDE Barcelona visited the Judicial School of the General Council of the Judiciary

19 May, 2024

The students of the Access to the Practice of Law and Procuratorship Course at ISDE Barcelona had the valuable opportunity to conduct simulations of criminal and civil trials at the prestigious Judicial School of the General Council of the Judiciary. This practical experience allowed them to directly apply what they learned in the classroom in a real judicial environment, strengthening their preparation for their future careers in law.

We want to express our special thanks to Mrs. Clara Carulla Terricabras, Magistrate and Head of the Initial Training Section of the Judicial School, and to Luis de la Cruz López, Secretary of the Study Directorate, for their trust in ISDE and for their exceptional organization that made this collaboration possible.

Likewise, we extend our gratitude to professors Alfonso and Rafael Abadía and Maria Teresa González Asenjo, partners at Abadía & Abadía Abogados, as well as Marina Roig Altozano, Mariano Bergés Tarilonte, and Carlos Martínez Mirón, partners at Roig & Bergés & Martínez, for their time and assistance in preparing the cases.

We are proud to offer opportunities that not only educate but also empower our students to achieve excellence in the legal field.