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Postgraduate Admissions 

General information

STEP 1. Complete the application form.

By submitting this properly completed form and the other required attached documents, your process as a candidate for the chosen program will begin.

Spaces in our programs are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Once allocated, the admission process will be closed.

STEP 2. Admission Test.

Once we have verified that you meet the required criteria, you will need to undergo a series of written and oral tests, which will take place in a single session. These tests involve a non-refundable fee, which must be paid in cash at the ISDE secretariat on the same day that you take the tests, by bank transfer to the ISDE current account, or by payment with a bank card through a POS (in these last cases, proof of payment must be sent to the Admissions Department before the test date).

Información general

Completa el formulario de solicitud.

Con el envío de este formulario debidamente cumplimentado y de los documentos requeridos (currículum vitae y carta de motivación) dará comienzo su proceso como candidato al programa elegido.

En determinadas ocasiones, tras la evaluación de su candidatura por parte del Comité de Admisiones de ISDE, puede requerirse además la realización de una prueba escrita y/o una entrevista personal.

Las plazas en nuestros programas son limitadas y se cubren por riguroso orden de reserva. Una vez adjudicadas, el proceso de admisión quedará cerrado.

Admission Form

In case of doubt, please contact our admissions department:

Phone: 914 361 796


Hours: Monday to Friday (10:00 – 20:00)